Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Little T Turns 3!!!

3 years ago, in a country far far away a young woman was in labor.  She dreamed of this day for 9 months, knew the pain she would go through and fought to bring her child into this world.  What did she think when she saw her daughter's face?  Was she married?  What did her husband think?  Were they upset that their child, the one they dreamed and talked about, was a girl?  What about her grandparents?  Her aunts and uncles? 

I have no doubt that Little T was loved when she was brought into this  world.  She spent 7 months with her family.  7 months of being cuddled, cooed to, loved.  7 months of hearing her mom and dads voices singing to her.  7 months of playing peek-a-boo with a face that she loved unconditionally. 

I sit here and think about what I was doing the day she was born.  I know we were still paperchasing for her.  China was slowing down in their referrals and I wasn't listening.  I looked back at my blog and see I was trying to think of another name for the blog.  Such trivial things when you think about it. 

I woke Little T up this morning by singing Happy Birthday to her.  She opened her eyes and smiled and blew like she was blowing out her candles.  Tonight we will celebrate this day with her.  Give her presents, cake, and ice cream but still, my mind wanders to a country half way around the world.  I'm thinking about her birth parents and what they are doing today.  Do they think about her?  Do they still mourn her?  Do they know how grateful we are?  I'm so humbled by them. 

Cuddling with Little T this morning, looking into her beautiful brown eyes, I smiled.  This little girl is such a gift to us.  She is smart, beautiful, happy.  She is loved.  Most of all, she is our daughter.  Happy Birthday to our sweet Little T!!!


doubledaughterhappy said...

Wow!!! A belated Happy Birthday to Little T from her travel buddies. Evelyn asks a question about her every now and then so she is in her thoughts. Hope you all enjoyed the celebrating.

Paulette said...

Happy Birthday little T and happy referral day it's so hard to believe that it has been a whole year. She has grown so much since that littl picture. Life will never be the same.

Alyson and Ford said...

Happy Birthday!
Yes, our daughters are gifts to us. We are eternally grateful for forever family day...

Alyzabeth's Mommy

JMCS said...

What a post. So lovely. Happy belated birthday to your precious angel. Life sure is good isn't it?



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