Big T and I decided to take Little T to the beach on Saturday. It was so pretty out with the high in the 80’s and a wonderful breeze. She didn’t like the water at first until I got her used to it by playing with her in the surf. Once she realized that it was fun she was ready to go “woowooo” which is swimming in Little T speak. We only stayed for a few hours because Big T is very pale and burns quickly. The big dummy didn’t put on any sunscreen even after I told him to at least 10 times! He kept saying that he was fine until Sunday when he saw exactly how “fine” he was – yep, he got burnt.
We decided to go back on Sunday and invited some friends but L got called to play in a baseball tournament so off the the field we go. He only got to play for 3 innings the first game and one at bat for the second game but that was to be expected as he was called up to pitch. For the next month or so we’ll be watching him play every weekend. Little T enjoys watching her big brother though she enjoys running around much more! I think we went to the bathroom 30 times or more!
Here’s a conversation we had recently with Little T. Let me preface this by saying that “popping a bubble” is passing gas – which in this family happens quite often. We were playing in the living room and all of a sudden I get a whiff of something pretty nasty.
me to Little T: Little T, did you pop a bubble?
Little T: No…dada!!!!
Yep, she was passing the buck to her dad!
Here are some pictures of the beach and baseball.