Tuesday, November 08, 2005

First HomeStudy appointment

We have our first homestudy appointment set for November 19. I'm nervous about it but excited at the same time. Our social worker seems to be very nice. The oldest has a wrestling match that day but it is close by so T should be able to get back for it. The I600A came back to me due to the amount I sent...ugh!! I've also ordered BC for us and I've completed the adoption petition. Next is setting up doctor appointments for all 4 of us. I think that the pediatrician will not need to see the boys as they just had a physical for school sports.


Alyson and Ford said...

Congratulations! We are using CCAI as our agency also. We are a little further along than you are as we completed our home study and have the notarized copy. Wait until you get into the notarize, certify and authenticate phase.... I wish I had hired someone to do it for us! Good luck. If you have any questions, just pay us a visit.


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