I have a few regrets with regards to our trip to China. One of them is buying things. I had plenty of money and should have bought more. My friend and I both feel this way. What were we thinking??!! That was a once in a lifetime trip and we were worried about money?? Jeez....
My other regret is not going to the orphanage where Little T spent the first 2 years of her life. I guess I was being selfish - she was doing so well that I didn't want to chance it. I should have. I should have gone, taken pictures, and spoke to her nannies. I could have learned so much about Little T's first 2 years and I didn't. I do have some good news, CCAI called me and I asked them if we could get a copy of her birth mother's note that was supposed to have been left. They will contact our guide in China (Grace) and see what they can do. I would love to get that and have something to show Little T how much she was loved by her birth parents.
EI came in on Monday and spent some time with us. They played with her, gave her blocks to stack, showed her dolls, asked her to feed the dolls, hid things and watched to see if she could find them, put things in containers to see if she could figure out how to open them, etc. She did awesome!! God is so good!! Her gross and fine motor skills are that of a 24-30 month old. In fact, they were very impressed with how she handled things in her hands and how well she did. Her vocabulary and chewing is another story though. She is at 12 months for her vocabulary - which is what we expected. All she does is make noises which is okay. She's very smart and has picked up the baby signs I've taught her so the communication is just fine. She will start speech therapy and some therapy to help her with her chewing in a couple of weeks.
Quick funny. The other day after we ate she was running around in just her diaper. Well, she kept pulling at the front of it, keeping her hands in front of it then bending her little back poking her belly out. I went and got Big T and had him watch her and he busted out laughing!! Little T follows me EVERYWHERE including the bathroom. It seems that she also followed Big T into the bathroom and was trying to imitate him peeing!!! OMG - how funny is that??!! This little girl keeps us on our toes all the time.
Here's a scrap book page I did of daddy kissing her.